Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Edenham Church of England Primary School values the abilities and achievements of all its pupils, and is committed to providing each pupil with the best possible support to ensure they reach their full potential.
We recognise that many pupils will have special needs at some time during their school life. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to overcome them by parents, teachers, support staff and pupils working together.
SENCO: Mrs Z Halden
Contact: enquiries@edenham.laat.co.uk
Objectives of Edenham Church of England Primary School SEND Provision
Ensure all pupils have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum
- Provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual's needs and ability
- Ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their primary career
- Ensure that SEND pupils take as full a part as possible in all school activities
- Liaise with outside agencies, when this would be beneficial, in order to access further specialist support for pupils and parents
The main methods of provision made by the school are flexible and are tailored to the needs of the pupils as much as possible. Staff are experienced in working within areas of SEND and are committed to developing children personally and academically. Examples of SEND provision include:
- Quality first teaching in class supported by a differentiated curriculum
- Additional intervention work with a teacher or support staff, either individually or in a small group
- In-class support, with adult assistance where appropriate
- Support from specialists using specific programmes and training
Edenham Church of England Primary School firmly believes in developing a strong partnership with parents/carers and that this will enable children and young people with SEND to achieve their potential. The school recognises that parents/carers have a unique overview of their child's needs and how best to support them, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership. Parents/carers hold key information and have a critical role to play in their children's education.
As of September 2014, all schools will be required to publish details of what SEN provision is available through an information report which details the support for pupils with special educational needs and/or a disability to compliment the Lincolnshire LA Local Offer. Below are details of the current school information report at Edenham Church of England Primary School and the Local Offer for Lincolnshire.
SEND Information Report
The SEN and Disability Information Report describes what help, support and services are available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families in our school. The policy will be reviewed annually by the Governing Body.
Here at Edenham the first priority for all children is good teaching and learning. Our ethos sets high aspirations for achievement as well as providing high quality pastoral support. Therefore, most of our pupil’s educational needs can be met within the classroom environment. Simple adaptations to provision are based on careful analysis of personal needs and close monitoring of each individuals progress. Some pupils may also require the added support of the additional needs department or support from outside agencies led by Mrs Z Halden.